During these unprecedented times due to COVID-19, the world is being transformed; impacting our businesses, affecting global economies, the health of our communities and the way we lead our everyday lives. As the global pandemic deepens, we want you to know that Frontend Arts is with you. We believe in the power of staying together as a family, working together as a community and delivering the best support as a business.
At Frontend Arts, we are committed to give absolute continuity of service. As a fully digital organization, we have set up all the measures to ensure the continuity and availability of our business services. All the stakeholders are actively involved in the continuity process as well as personally ensure the well-being of all employees and their families.
The management took an early-lead in ramping up its business continuity plan to ensure that the employees are issued secured company laptops with appropriate malware protection and restricted end-point functionality. Our Information Technology and Digital Practice teams have employed proactive measures to ensure that our workforce can work from anywhere and many of our services, meetings can be performed virtually. Access to applications, such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Internet dongles, to enable team collaboration and enhance their productivity are in place. By working around the clock, we continue to provide our essential services without any business havoc.
We understand the ethos of business management and promise a time and economy bound project solutions to help you get most out of your Business and IT investment with a clear visibility in an efficacious manner. Let us re-assure you that we are with you at every step during this outbreak, to provide the reliability, security and service you need. Stay home and stay safe while we take care of the rest.
We are always available to discuss and give our support at any time. Should you have any questions or concerns reach us at info@frontendarts.com and we’ll find a way to make it work for you.
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